Branding Living


Present in the cities of Cianorte and Maringá, Espaço Vivare Saúde e Estética offers the best and most modern beauty treatments. Dealing daily with the self-esteem of its clients, its aesthetic and health procedures enhance the beauty they already have. And, in the same way that every diamond can be polished, the company also noticed in itself the need to revalue its image. The reason? The brand no longer conveyed the desired values, such as care, sophistication and harmony. The solution found by Amblard? Reformulate the identity of Espaço Vivare Saúde e Estética, in order to present our client's values and objectives. Thus, we conquered and reconquered the public through the identification with its aesthetic and health services. We attribute new and positive perceptions about the brand, showing its potential and talking to a more qualified public. And how did we do it? Working with lines and typography that represented the search for infinite beauty and the perfect face, we standardized the entire identity, thus giving more strength to the branding. Linked to trends, we attract those who are really interested in the products and services offered by our customers, in this case, aesthetic and health clinics. Creative solutions that achieve the best results, as only Amblard does. And you, have you highlighted the beauty of your brand today?
BRANDING Application Manual Repositioning Suggestions for Mockups

The empowerment of essence

Before, it was others who decided for our beauty.

"This is beautiful, that is not". We listened in silence to the debate about female appearance.

But our voice gained strength and flew out of its cages.

The struggle to conquer one's own opinion was not easy. And it still isn't.

There is a lot to do.

But today, one thing is certain: deciding for your beauty is up to you.

And even as the years pass, her choice will always be yours.

She has stood the test of time.

Because the important thing is to look in the mirror and be delighted with what you see.

This is the true essence of beauty.

live. Beauty at all times.

Our values

What to do

Relaxed, light and objective language. Entertaining and informing the buyer persona, who does not always understand the complexity and indication of one procedure or another. Showcase the quality and professionalism of Espaço Vivare. Despite being close, do not use nicknames or words that show falsehood (flower, friend, darling). Never decide for the customer, but suggest. Working with empowerment and conscious pure beauty, both female and male.

what not to do

Affectionate nicknames to speak to the public.

Call it Space (Vivare Space or just Vivare is accepted).

Associate responsible physician image (against law).

Induce a medical-aesthetic-body treatment, but only suggest it, indicating benefits.

Avoid extremely technical language, with acronyms of chemical elements, the public does not understand and fails to perceive the value of the message.


Client Vivare Estética Customer Service Vanessa Dir. of Creation - Marcio Amblard Dir. of Art - Rodrigo Approval - Dr. Mirelle

Is your brand positioned correctly?

Have a branding that represents your company and create passionate about it.

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