Relationship Marketing & Social Selling

Relationship marketing is the art of building lasting connections with customers. Through personalized strategies, we seek to understand and meet individual needs, creating a solid base of customer loyalty. By cultivating genuine relationships, companies can build trust, drive repeat purchases, and win brand advocates.


We analyzed the company's sales funnel in order to obtain an overview and gather the necessary data to implement an effective action plan.


At this stage, we help the client to outline their objectives and goals. The entire strategy will be modulated based on this definition.

Creating Personas

We deeply understand the profile and behavior of the consumer, our challenge is to make a Brand Persona (Company) relate to Buyer Personas (Target Public).

Shopping day

We analyze how consumers think, research and make decisions, mapping their entire journey up to the purchase stage.


With this data in hand, we attract qualified prospects, offer relevant content to convert them into leads, build relationships to transform them into opportunities and charm to make them loyal customers.


To make this happen, we plan and implement the mix of solutions according to the needs of each stage of the client's funnel at the moment, creating a flexible and dynamic strategy, always keeping the focus on the main objective.

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