Branding Notre Dame


Our Lady
Bring more to the child's life than the conventional teaching grid. Make ethics, tradition and good customs the foundation of learning in early childhood education. Respect the past, realize the present and dream of the future. On top of these pillars that Notre Dame School built its history. And it is in the chapter of 2018 that we enter. The institution was modernizing and following the times, without leaving its roots and pillars behind. And this needed to be shown in their communication as well.
Our values

Teaching that makes a difference. Notre Dame School has a large green area that allows students to have direct contact with nature. Specialist teachers, masters and doctors. Early Childhood Education from 1 year and 6 months old and Elementary School.

Brand Persona

School that cares about education and family values. Cares about the student. It is part of your story that is being built. The student must feel that the school and the collaborators are part of the family. Great pedagogical system, extra activities and safe place. Contact with nature and a mini zoo. Classic school, but one that cares about technological changes. The rate of former students who pass the entrance exam is high.

Formal but affectionate language, lighthearted, uses emojis, proud of her little ones. Show why we are the best school option. More lightness and games, but also using the emotional to touch the feelings of parents who are possible leads.


Client - Notre Dame Jobs - Branding Relationship Mkt Campaigns Service - Caroline Amblard Creative Director - Marcio Amblard Dir. of Art - Augusto and Marcio Approval - Rodrigo

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