Branding IAP


IAP Paranaense Adventist Institute
The visual identity is like the brand's smile. And as we could already see, IAP has a beautiful smile. That's why our first step was to restructure the brand with rebranding and repositioning, which brought all communication closer to the joy that happens in their daily lives. Everything got more modern and the results were pretty cool. Check out the IAP case by clicking here.
Our values

Brand Persona

His name is Evandro, a 19-year-old young man, a first-year Business Administration student at IAP.

Evandro finished high school as a boarding school and has already entered college.

He chose to remain at the institution. because he has always actively participated in academic life and did not want to stop enjoying all the benefits of the IAP.

When he was in his second year of high school, Evandro joined the student union, very excited about organizing events and social actions. Today, he has become president and is known by everyone on campus as a friendly, principled person who knows firsthand everything that happens at the institute.

Your family base, has a share of "guilt" in this process. Coming from a traditional evangelical family, his parents always encouraged him to join the Church (Evandro was a member of the youth group when he was a teenager), and to respect the values of religion, but also to focus on his studies and guarantee a promising future.

About Us

Light, casual, relaxed and refined language should be used. It can be funny, tell jokes depending on the type of content, whether or not relating experiences from boarding school or day school. It should convey credibility, tradition and confidence, as well as joviality and intellect. One should not talk about problems or difficulties, one should be cordial and always polite, to reflect IAP values

as an educational institution that builds character and citizens. The objective is to reinforce the student image of the IAP, demonstrating its teaching potential, complete training, from early childhood education to specializations, extensions to extracurriculars, spiritual to musical.


Client - Notre Dame Jobs - Branding Relationship Mkt Campaigns Service - Caroline Amblard Creative Director - Marcio Amblard Dir. of Art - Augusto and Marcio Approval - Alexandre

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