Real Life Game Campaign Vestibular IAP

Entrance Examination Campaign

To do well in the real life game, you need a lot of preparation, dedication and, of course, study. All this experience is responsible for making us grow and reach further. And it was with this in mind that we transformed the college years of the IAP student, Instituto Adventista Paranaense, into a game. Business Administration, Accounting, Nursing, Pedagogy, Psychology and Theology. The student chooses the “game”, registers and gives the “start”, in 2019, in the most important phase. This is the real life game. And you can find the parts here:
Enrollment CampaignBetter education at all stages IAP Faculdade


Customer - IAP Service - Caroline Morais Dir. of Creation - Marcio Amblard Copywriter - Carol Dir. of Art - Rodrigão Video and audio producer - Remo Filmes
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